General file conversion issues
Explore common file conversion questions and answers, including steps to perform a conversion, account login process, and why you need to register an account to help you get started quickly.
File Convert Issues
- How do I start a file conversion task? What are the steps?
- What formats does the file conversion support? What should I pay attention to during the conversion process?
- How to extract text from an image using the OCR feature?
- What types of images and languages does the OCR function support?
- Is there any telephone support service for file conversion? How to contact the telephone support team?
My Account Issues
- What information do I need to log in to my account? What is the login process?
- What should I do if I encounter login problems, such as Wrong username or password?
- Can I delete my account? If so, what are the specific steps?
- What happens to my data after I delete my account?
- Can I log in and use the same account on different machines at the same time?