How can I ensure that my sensitive information (such as personally identifiable information) will not be disclosed during the file conversion process?

First, please read our privacy policy carefully to understand how we collect, process and protect your data. This will help you understand our data protection measures and commitments.
Try not to upload sensitive files containing personally identifiable information during the file conversion process. If you must upload, make sure the files are encrypted or processed using a secure method.
Make sure you use a secure HTTPS connection when uploading and downloading files. This helps protect your data transmission from being intercepted or tampered with.
After the conversion is complete, please download your files as soon as possible, and OnlineConvert automatically deletes the uploaded original files. Our system automatically deletes the converted files 24 hours after the file is converted, but you can also delete the converted files yourself.
If you have questions or concerns about any data protection issues, please feel free to contact our customer support. We will be happy to answer your questions and take the necessary measures to protect your privacy.